January 06, 2011

My Best Student

I love teaching preschool. So much so, that I had this crazy idea to start a new preschool class this January. Unfortunately for me, that is not really the right time of year to start a preschool, but I really, really wanted to teach preschool so. . . meet my new student.

His name is Eddy and he is really cute, really smart, and quite a handful. The Listening center
chalk art
(check out that awesome snowman)
snowman sandwiches
(please excuse the gore, red jam was not the best choice)
snowflake sort
coffee filter snowflakesand a good old-fashioned indoor snowball fight!

Next week . . . Penguins!

1 comment:

lisa said...

Love the blog. I can't believe he is leaning to hold a pencil and write. You are so good.